Project: Memorial Hospital of Carbon County CAH and associated clinics
The Memorial Hospital of Carbon County Management Steering Committee (“MHCC Steering Committee”) is seeking proposals from qualified healthcare companies to provide management and/or consulting services for facilities, hospital and medical clinics which are known collectively as Memorial Hospital of Carbon County. This document is a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the services described below and does not obligate MHCC Steering Committee to accept responses from eligible Contractors. The RFP establishes minimum requirements a bidder must meet to be eligible Contractors, the minimum requirements a bidder must meet in order to be eligible for consideration, and information to be included in the Contractor’s bid response.
Duration: 2-to-4-year agreement with option of renewal
Estimated Agreement Start Date: December 15, 2024
Deadline for Notification of Intent to Respond: June 15th, 2024
RFP Submission Deadline: June 30th, 2024
Estimated Decision Date: July 15th, 2024
Questions will be accepted until: June 30th, 2024
*Presentations will be scheduled during the two week period between June 30th and July 15th, 2024.
Please send all questions via email. The questions and answers will be shared with everyone who has submitted a notification of intent.
Project Contact: Stephanie Hinkle, Director of Strategic Operations, Memorial Hospital of Carbon County, 307-324-8378
Facility Summary:
Memorial Hospital of Carbon County (“MHCC”) is designated as a Critical Access Hospital (“CAH”) and is a County Memorial Hospital as set forth in Wyoming Statute §18-8-101, et. sec.. MHCC is a 25 bed CAH and is surveyed and licensed through the Wyoming Department of Health. MHCC was built in 1972 with major updating projects to the ICU, OR, and ED. MHCC has three off campus clinics in Saratoga (built in 2021, Rawlins (built in 2019) and Hanna (built in 1995). Bidders should note that it is MHCC’s intent to submit formation of a hospital district to voters within the next year which, if approved, will change the designation of MHCC as a County Memorial Hospital to a Hospital District.
The five member MHCC Board of Trustees is the governing body of MHCC. The Board of County Commissioners (“BOCC”) is the elected body that appoints the Trustees. The Board of Trustees represents the community’s interest in the operation of the hospital and serves as a fiduciary on behalf of the BOCC.
MHCC services include:
- 24-hour emergency department staffed with full-time physicians
- Imaging services featuring a 40-slice digital CT scanner, 1.5 Tesla MRI, digital mammography, ultrasound, tele-radiology, Nuclear Medicine, DEXA Scan
- Comprehensive laboratory services
- Six-bed Intensive Care Unit
- 24-hour Hospitalist coverage for all inpatients
- Inpatient and outpatient surgery including: General Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, GI procedures, RNA directed Pain Management Services
- Specialty outreach clinic including: Cardiology, ENT, Podiatry, Urology
- Physical Therapy in conjunction with partner Fremont Therapy Group
- Ambulance services with Paramedic, EMT-I and EMT-B qualified staff
- Classic Air Medical rotor-wing service based in Rawlins
- (3) Family Practice Clinics
MHCC currently employs approximately 180 staff members equaling 160 full-time equivalents.
MHCC employs a majority of the healthcare providers in Carbon County, including: 3 Family Practice Physicians, 1 Family Practice Physician Assistant, 3 Family Practice Nurse Practitioners, 1 Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, 1 General Surgeon, 1 Orthopedic Surgeon, full-time physician staffed Emergency Department Coverage, and full-time contracted hospitalist coverage. There are other independent providers in Rawlins, Saratoga, Medicine Bow, and Baggs that operate outside of MHCC’s hospital.
Exhibit A provides a listing of the various services and support that Memorial Hospital of Carbon County is looking for in your proposal for services. This listing provides indication of whether this is a requested minimum requirement or a service/support that could be offered as an option.
The ability of Memorial Hospital of Carbon County Board to maintain oversight of the organization and leadership is very important to stakeholders and the continued economic vitality of the community. The positions of the CEO and CFO of the organization are a key component of maintaining this oversight. It is the desire of the MHCC Board of Trustees to retain the CEO and CFO as MHCC employees, but not a requirement for proposal. The proposal should include the explanation of how the proposed CEO/CFO model of Contractor provides the best structure for promoting long term success for the hospital and clinics, the outside management vendor and the communities served by MHCC.
Memorial Hospital of Carbon County is looking for a management/consulting company that will share MHCC’s vision in providing quality healthcare services to the communities it serves, inviting visiting medical providers, assisting in the development of the structure of the organization and encouraging a partnership with its leadership.
Additionally, if an onboarding period is proposed by Contractor, please indicate how you would structure your charges and services during the onboarding period, if any, and how you would structure your charges and services thereafter.
Please provide three (3) references of prior services and/or business relationships related to work with other healthcare organizations. Due to the nature of this request, these references do not have to be limited to only previous experiences of providing management services to a rural healthcare entity.
An onsite presentation of your proposal (in Rawlins, WY) will be required. The presentations will take place prior to July 15th, 2024.
Selection Criteria
The final selection with be made by the MHCC Board of Trustees and if, a management proposal is selected, subject to County Commission approval. Selection criteria will include, but not be limited to, quality of the response, cost, and other factors (i.e. references, etc.). Memorial Hospital of Carbon County reserves the right to alter the criteria as it sees fit.
Memorial Hospital of Carbon County withholds the right to negotiate and clarify questions with the vendors submitting responses to this request for proposal.