Pregnancy is an exciting time in your life, and we believe in providing the very best care possible for you and your baby! As part of our ongoing commitment to excellence in rural healthcare, Memorial Hospital of Carbon County is pleased to announce that we have partnered with Ivinson Memorial Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynecology.
This collaboration will provide patients with the ability to be seen locally at the MHCC Women’s Clinic for many of their routine prenatal appointments, labs, and ultrasounds, as providers and staff from Ivinson Memorial Hospital travel to Rawlins on a frequent schedule for your convenience! When appropriate, some visits may take place via telehealth with a member of the MHCC Women’s Clinic by your side, assisting you and verifying your OB/GYN has all of the information they need to ensure the health of you and your child! Complex ultrasounds, gynecological surgeries, and labor and delivery, will take place at Ivinson Memorial Hospital in their new Women and Children Center.
We invite you learn more by visiting Family Care Unit | Ivinson Memorial Hospital (ivinsonhospital.org)
Contact Us:
Ivinson Women’s Health Clinic
255 N. 30th Street, West Atrium (Entrance #4)
Laramie, WY 82072